Statement Fahionphotography
Worn, used and lived in cloths are always in direct connection with the person wearing them. This person moves in a particular way and thereby activates the movement of the dresses and its material.
Design, cut and colour of a model dress as a whole leaves a visual impression with the public.
The model dress and its owner constitute a whole merging into oneness and thereby make a statement to society with regard to the above mentioned questions.
It is my desire to integrate these aspects in her style of photography. The photos should not give an exact reproduction of all the details. She is also not concerned with perfect styling nor premeditated postures. Her goal is to catch a trivial moment, an accidental glance. It is the fascination of a brief moment that awakes an interest and gives an idea of life style. Succeeding in expressing these, transient, fickle moments the viewer will be -let’s say- accidentaly attracted, fascinated and like in day to day life will feel inclined to give it a second look and thought.